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Monday, 22 June 2015

On 03:27 by Vardan Kumar in ,    No comments
Faults vs Failures

Difference Between Software Faults and Software Failures

Before we move on to the differences let us discuss what faults and failures actually are....

Software faults vs Software failures
Faults vs Failures


A software fault is a programming error that is not figured out or we can say that software fault is a hidden programming error.It may cause a software failure.


Deviation of software's performance or behavior from expectations is software failure.These may be manifested due to faults in software.

So now let us discuss Difference between software faults and failures

1. Software fault is a hidden programming error.
1.  Software failure is deviation of software functionality from user expectation.
2. It is a software defect  that may cause/causes a failure
2. It is inability of software to perform its required functions.
3. Manifested as an error in software.
3. Manifested as a fault in software.
4. An error becomes a fault when it is written in any of the developed software products.
4. Failure occurs when the software does not behave as it is desired to, which reveals a fault in the software.
5. It occurs as a result of errors, bugs, mistakes.
5. A fault becomes a failure only when the exact computation conditions are met, and the faulty portion of the code is executed on the CPU.
6. It may be called buggy.
6. It may be called defective.
7. Could be an accidental condition which was never planned for.
7. It is fault in software, when the conditions for the bug get realized (which may never happen at all).
8. It is passive in nature.
8. When fault becomes active, failure occurs.
9. It is error not detected by developer
9. It is defect visible to end-user.
10. A fault is a crash and may be caused by dividing by 0, accessing bad memory, reusing a deleted pointer (address), etc.
10. A failure may be caused due to software as well as hardware problems such as  change in compilers, platforms etc.


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